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                • 103


                  Factory area

                • ISO

                  9001: 2008

                  Quality system

                • 3.3

                  hundred million

                  Current sales


                Create a First-Class Brand to Win the Industry's

                Zhejiang Chuangjia Electrical Co., Ltd.

                Located in Wutong Industrial Park, Tongxiang City, it is a professional manufacturer dedicated to tool cabinets, elevator parts and auto parts. The company covers an area of 103 acres, a total investment of 205 million yuan, a registered capital of 45 million yuan, belonging to the key technical transformation projects in Zhejiang Province.

                The company has a large number of outstanding technical, engineering and management personnel, with ISO9001:2008 quality management system standards as The management mode, with first-class equipment and production processes, firmly grasps quality management work and continuously enhances the quality assurance ability of the company. To promote the development of enterprises with quality product quality, at present, the company can achieve annual sales of 335 million yuan.


                Perfect product ¡¤ Winning customers

                - Products -

                CREATE ELEVATOR

                Create the world's electromechanical equipment

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